Won’t Join Threads, by Instagram Unless I Get Benefits in Return

3 min readJul 6, 2023
While by Mount Kazbek in Georgia

Don’t get me wrong, I’m neither quitting social media nor taking a break. I’m just utilizing it to the fullest, taking advantage of its immense benefits so that I am no longer the product. Just a few months ago…, I finally grasped how I should have been using social media platforms. Now, I’m sharing my quick thoughts with you after getting inspired by the recent launch of Threads.

Hey! I’m No Longer a Consumer, but rather a Prosumer.

Thanks to my profession in the energy field where the term Prosumer is heavily used and defined as “individuals who consume and produce value, either for self-consumption or consumption by others, and can receive implicit or explicit incentives from organizations involved in the exchange.”

This terminology applies to property owners who install renewable energy systems to meet their electricity needs or export it for use by other consumers. However, these producers have no interest in disconnecting their facilities from the city grid. Therefore, they remain connected to import the required amount of electricity whenever needed.

I, again, have no plans to disconnect from the social media grid. I love it, and I truly enjoy and appreciate its benefits. However, I strive to ensure that it benefits me and keeps me inspired rather than distracted. I aim to become a social media prosumer, where I can actively engage and contribute to the platform while reaping its advantages.

Being a social media prosumer means adding value to the social network while using it effectively. It also enables us to cultivate our personal brands and directly or indirectly derive significant benefits from it. I have personally experimented with this approach, and the results have been incredible

Using this concept means that I’m no longer the product only, but also the producer.

This has become possible not only by working on my brand and sharing my own experiences allowing me to build a larger community of like-minded individuals. You might be interested in reading my latest 2-minute journal, where I discuss the decision I made to share my experiences and story with everyone.

How about being cautious of the cheap dopamine while applying this concept?! I, in fact, started getting more valuable benefits when I stopped losing myself for the cheap dopamine.

Limit your screen time, now! cheap dopamine is killing you. Isn’t it?!

I won’t get into the cheap vs real dopamine argument, but I recently immersed myself in nature walks and hikes, experiencing the joy of real dopamine yet again. What I know for a fact is that cheap dopamine turns us into miserable individuals, which is the last thing we wish for ourselves.

The other way to receive benefits and get the most out of social media in addition to being a prosumer is while avoiding the black screen. when my heart and soul are there I will want to limit my screen time, and this is how I started using Instagram and decided to use Threads. I limited daily screen time, then use the same exact number of hours that I saved to be more efficient, and maybe write journals like this one while dumping my thoughts.

Do you feel lost between Twitter, Instagram, and Threads? Read my article about why having more choices makes us feel worse.




Business person, energy consultant to the INGOs in MENA and Europe. Based between Dubai and Amman. Thoughts are my own, not affiliated with any organisation